Clearly I've stated my question wrong. My problem right now is with the
intsaller. My installer works fine on 32 bit machines, but when I try to
use it on a 64 bit machine running Vista 64 it fails. My main app and all
it's Dlls are compiled as x86.

> I really does not matter what the install is doing.  If you have
> compiled your main program as an AnyCPU and any DLL in the chain is
> 32-bit only, then the application will not run on a x64 system.  This is
> because the AnyCPU code is jited into x64 on a 64 bit machine and a x64
> application cannot load a 32-bit DLL.
> You must compile at least the main program as x86.  All of the managed
> (CLR) DLLs will then be loaded and jited as 32-bit and then the
> application can load the 32-bit only DLLs.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Roy Chastain
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 20:11
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] installing an application as a pure x86 app on
> Vista 64.
> Why would the .NET binaries try to load any 32-bit dependent Dlls during
> installation? As far as I was aware the installer was just copying those
> Dlls to the proper locations.
> I'll try installing via command line. Hopefully that will actually
> produce some sort of error message.
> Dan
>> I've seen this when it's not an installer issue, it's because the .NET
>> binaries are AnyCpu and consequently run as native 64-bit and can't
>> load 32-bit dependent Dlls. When this happens during the install
>> custom actions fail etc.
>> You didn't see any kind of error message when the install failed?
>> Anyway, installing with a command line to produce a log might help.
>> Msiexec /I <path to msi> /l*v <path to a log file>
>> Phil Wilson
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Dan Vogel []
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 4:25 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [WiX-users] installing an application as a pure x86 app on
>> Vista 64.
>> When I run the installer on a 32-bit machine everything works fine.
>> When I run the installer on a 64-bit it prematurely ends due to some
>> unspecified error.  I need the application to be a purely x86
>> application. The app is written in C# and WPF and so should run fine
>> as 64-bit. However, several dll dependencies are 32-bit.
>> What sort of flags or settings do I need to use to get the installer
>> to work properly in a 64-bit environment, but install the application
>> as purely x86? Are there some sort of logs that are created when the
>> installer fails that will let me know why it is prematurely ending?
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> *Dan Vogel*
>> Software Engineer
>> iCRco - The Innovative CR Company
>> P) 310-921-9559
>> F) 310-542-7236
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