Hi there,

I'm trying to create msi installer using wix and this installer will search for 
old application for current install location.  When the old application found, 
a custom action will execute the old application.

I used the following script to search for the old application.        
        <Property Id="EXE_EXISTS">
            <DirectorySearch Id="CheckInstallDir" Path="[INSTALLDIR]" Depth="0" 
                <FileSearch Id="CheckExeFile" Name="APP.exe" />
When the old application found, custom action "CA_RunEXE" will execute.
          <Custom Action="CA_RunEXE" 
But according to the msi log, action CA_RunEXE never execute because condition 
is false even the old application exist.  From the log file I see INSTALLDIR 
already set and pointed to correct location("C:\Program 
Files\Company\Product\").   If I replace <DirectorySearch Id="CheckInstallDir" 
Path="[INSTALLDIR]" Depth="0" > to 
<DirectorySearch Id="CheckInstallDir" Path="C:\Program Files\Company\Product\" 
Depth="0" >, the action CA_RunEXE executed as expected.  I cannot hardcode the 
Path as user may install in different locations.

Can anyone of you can see what's wrong in my script?

Thanks in advance

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