Afternoon all, I am currently implementing WiX into our daily builds and am using Heat.exe to generate a WiX fragment file at Pre-build by harvesting a .csproj. Any releases will be Major releases, and the previous software is fully removed, so this should not break any component rules.
The problem I am having is that Heat.exe appears to be generating the ComponentGroups twice, once at the top of the .wxs, and once at the bottom. This then gives a build error: "Duplicate symbol 'WixComponentGroup:ASP.Content' found" If I manually remove the second component group, the build is successful and the .msi package is created. Can anyone please shed any light as to why this is happening? The command I am using to generate the fragment is as follows: "C:\Program Files\Windows Installer XML v3.5\bin\heat.exe" project "$(ProjectDir)\..\..\WEB\ASP.csproj" -ag -cg ProductASP -pog:Content -template:fragment -g1 -ke -out "$(ProjectDir)ASPFragment.wxs" This is creating 2 component groups with the same Id <ComponentGroup Id="ASP.Content"> Kind Regards, Jon ##################################################################################### Disclaimer Nothing in this E-mail is to be interpreted as agreement on behalf of Pinewood Technologies Plc to enter into any legally binding agreement unless the recipient has received confirmation in writing from a director of the business that the sender is so authorised. If you have received this E-mail in error please forward it to, destroy and delete it and do not rely upon it in any way. Publication and/or distribution of it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. ##################################################################################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let Crystal Reports handle the reporting - Free Crystal Reports 2008 30-Day trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with Crystal Reports now. _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list