Thanks for your response.

I may have started to handle the issue from the wrong side:

My project consists of several merge modules created with WiX and a "main" 
package, which is actually authored with InstallShield. The merge modules are 
not addressed in the InstallShield project, so I first build an MSI without 
merge modules (it contains a small CAB file), then one of the merge modules is 
merged in using the command-line version of Orca. Finally some settings 
(ProductName, ProductCode, Upgrade Code, PackageCode etc.) are adjusted 
corresponding to the merge module used.

Orca adds the files from the merge module to the CAB file orginally created by 
InstallShield and adjusts the Media table.

So I may have to control the compression of these files added by Orca. However, 
I have not found a way to achieve this. I did try to increase compression in 
the InstallShield  project, however this did not influence the size of the 
final CAB file.

Best regards


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Pally Sandher [] 
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 8. September 2009 11:23
> An: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Betreff: Re: [WiX-users] Compression in a Merge Module
> As you say the Module element doesn't seem to have the Media child
> element 
> ( but
> it doesn't really matter. When the merge module is consumed 
> into an MSI
> its files will be compressed into the media table of the MSI and
> therefore use the same level of compression as all the other files in
> the MSI.

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