This is probably not DTF specific issue. I have code to add a table to MSP file:

using (Database db = new Database(file, DatabaseOpenMode.Transact))
   ColumnInfo[] arrc = new ColumnInfo[2]
     new ColumnInfo("Key", typeof(string), 32, true),
     new ColumnInfo("Value", typeof(string), 256, false)
   List<string> pk = new List<string>() { "Key" };
   TableInfo ti = new TableInfo("_MyTable", arrc, pk);

This code throws exception:
Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.BadQuerySyntaxException: SQL query syntax 
invalid or unsupported. Database:
Invalid or missing query string: CREATE TABLE `_MyTable` (`Key` CHAR(32) NOT 
NULL, `Value` CHAR(256)  PRIMARY KEY `Key`).

My problem is that I am unable to see what is wrong with this query. It seems 
fine according to this spec:

TradeStation Group, Inc. is a publicly-traded holding company (NASDAQ GS: TRAD) 
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