

I use the sqlextension  to update an existing database  with a sql

If the package msi runs on the SQL server , this is OK and scripts run
but on a remote sql server  doesn't work.


I have this message in msi log : 


Error 0x80004005: failed to connect to database: 'mydatabse'

MSI (s) (C4!84) [15:34:24:131]: Closing MSIHANDLE (1592) of type 790531
for thread 4484

MSI (s) (C4!84) [15:34:24:132]: Creating MSIHANDLE (1593) of type 790531
for thread 4484

Error 26203. Failed to connect to SQL database.  (-2147467259
mydatabse      )

MSI (s) (C4!84) [15:34:28:102]: Product: Test -- Error 26203. Failed to
connect to SQL database.  (-2147467259   mydatabse     )


I use the last version of wix3.0.5419.0 


The properties are the secure flag on  and they  are update with an
dialog box


SQLdatabase  is under  product and SQLscript are in a component.


This is what I wrote:


<Property Id="SQLLOGIN" Secure="yes" />

<Property Id="SQLPASSWORD" Secure="yes"/>

<Property Id="SQLDATABASE" Secure="yes"/>

<Property Id="SQLSRVNAME" Secure="yes"/>

<util:User Id="SQLUser" Name="[SQLLOGIN]" Password="[SQLPASSWORD]" />


 <sql:SqlDatabase Id="SqlDBother" Database="[SQLDATABASE]"
User="SQLUser" Server="[SQLSVRNAME]" >



        <Directory Id="TempFolder">

          <Component Id="C_SQL"
Guid="D8D09D0F-86D5-4E48-B590-B41FE0683CFF" KeyPath="yes">

            <sql:SqlScript  SqlDb="SqlDBother" User="SQLUser"
Id="update1" BinaryKey="test" Sequence="001" ExecuteOnInstall="yes"





<Binary Id="test" SourceFile="test.sql"></Binary>



What do I need to execute scripts on a remote SQL server ?

Thanks for your help


Xavier BOURDET   *  Architecte Technique
Edition - Expertise & Innovation Generix Group
Std : +33 (0)299410020  *  Direct : +33 (0)299410037  *  Fax : +33
(0)299410039  *  Mob : +33 (0)615073981
Ext : 3037  *  xbour...@generixgroup.com


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