
I am trying to install a TFS WI Control to the "CommonAppDataFolder". My
Code looks like this.

<Property Id="INSTALLPATH"><![CDATA[C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Team
Foundation\Work Item Tracking\Custom Controls\9.0\]]></Property>
   <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
       <Directory Id="INSTALLPATH" Name=".">
           <Component Id="C_TFSControl" Guid="MYGUID" DiskId="1">
                <File Id="F_MyFile_dll" Name="MyFile.dll" Source="
$(var.BINARYDROP)\" />

Q1)  How can I get the datafolder and append the "Microsoft\Team
Foundation\Work Item Tracking\Custom Controls\9.0\" during install? So that
it will work for Windows XP/Win 2003 and as well VISTA/Win7 too?

Q2) When I tried as below I get error "could not access network location".
Foundation\Work Item Tracking\Custom Controls\9.0\]]></Property>
Prabhat Nath
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