Hi guys,

My application consists of a C++/CLI executable and C++/CLI dll. I have ngen'ed 
the executable using the following code(I didn't Ngen'ed my dll because it will 
be ngen'ed automatically when I ngen my executable, right?). I have checked the 
msi logs, the Ngen seems to be successful(No error msgs, return value is one). 
But when I typed "ngen display" at the command prompt, my executable and dll is 
not in the list of ngen'ed roots and images. Is there anything I am doing 
wrong? Is this okay?

                                        <Component Id='Xxx' 
                                                <File Id='XxxEXE' DiskId='1' 
Name='Xxx.exe' Source='Binary\Xxx.exe' 
                                                Vital='yes' >
Id="Xxx.exe" Platform="32bit" Priority="1"/>
                                                <RegistryValue Id='ProductVers' 
Root='HKCU' Key='SOFTWARE\Xxx' 
Action='write' Type='string' Value='$(var.Vers)' KeyPath="yes" />

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,
Bob Lim

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