hi all,

using wix 3.0.5217.0

i am trying to build a 64 bit version of my installer but i am running into
problems. been looking into this for the better half of the week and am
stuck stuck stuck!

So my installer is pretty simple - dumps a few files and installs a legacy
complus application. As part of the UI sequence, i have a screen that
prompts for domain, username and password, which the complus application
runs as.   there's a snippet at the end of this email, showing the complus
and ui parts.

Anyway, compiled as a 32 bit msi, it works fine on 32 bit systems and also
on 64 bit systems (i have to remove the conditions which search the
But compiled as a 64 bit msi, it fails on 64 bit systems when run with the
full UI.  however when run in passive mode or with no ui and passing the
property values in on the command line, it works ok.  whats up with that?!?

what seems to be happening if i look at the logfile, is that the
[COMP_DOMAIN], [COMP_USER], and [COMP_PASS] are empty when the custom action
runs, even though valid data has been entered in the ui.

so it feels like my properties are not being transported to the msi server
process when run in UI mode, or they're being transported _after_ the
complus custom action has been created or run?  do i need to add something
to my InstallUISequence or something for this to happen? or <shock!> could
there be a bug?



<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi"; xmlns:complus="
     <DirectoryRef Id='MyRoot' FileSource='SourceDir\Files\'>
        <Directory Id='MyDir' Name='MyDir'>
           <Component Id="MyComp" DiskId="1"
Guid="{A43CB130-1009-4a9c-A3DB-77CE6CA38B18}"  Win64="no">
              <File Id="MyFile.dll" Name="MyFile.dll"/>
                 <complus:ComPlusApplication Id="MyComPlus" Name="MyComPlus"
AccessChecksLevel="applicationComponentLevel" QueuingEnabled="no"
                 <complus:ComPlusAssembly Id='MyAssembly' Type='native'
DllPath='[#MyFile.dll]' >
                    <complus:ComPlusComponent Id="MyComponentId"
CLSID="B34B6091-D8AB-4E51-A189-91623115F3DE" Transaction="none"
JustInTimeActivation="yes" ComponentAccessChecksEnabled="no"
Synchronization="required" EventTrackingEnabled="yes" />


      <Property Id="COMP_DOMAIN" Admin="yes"></Property>
      <Property Id="COMP_USER" Admin="yes"></Property>
      <Property Id="COMP_PASS" Admin="no" Hidden="yes"></Property>
         <Dialog Id="ServerSetupDlg" Width="370" Height="270"
Title="[ProductName] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
            <Control Id="ComPlusDomainLabel" Type="Text" X="45" Y="73"
Width="220" Height="15" TabSkip="no" Text="User domain"/>
            <Control Id="ComPlusDomainEdit" Type="Edit" X="45" Y="85"
Width="220" Height="18" Property="COMP_DOMAIN"  Text="{80}" />
            <Control Id="ComPlusUserLabel" Type="Text" X="45" Y="110"
Width="220" Height="15" TabSkip="no" Text="User name"/>
            <Control Id="ComPlusUserEdit" Type="Edit" X="45" Y="122"
Width="220" Height="18" Property="COMP_USER" Text="{80}" />
            <Control Id="ComPlusPassLabel" Type="Text" X="45" Y="147"
Width="220" Height="15" TabSkip="no" Text="User password"/>
            <Control Id="ComPlusPassEdit" Type="Edit" Password="yes" X="45"
Y="157" Width="220" Height="18" Property="COMP_PASS" Text="{80}" />

... etc...
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