The files are present on the machine after the InstallFiles action in
the InstallExecute sequence, but youll have to make your bcp custom
action deferred. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Natalia [] 
Sent: 03 July 2009 10:47
Subject: [WiX-users] Execute sql script using bcp.exe

Hello all,

I need to run bcp.exe (Bulk Copy Program) in my installation and I have
to pass parameter to it - the path to the sql script to run. This script
is not on the local machine, it is in my package. So, I gather, I have
to copy this script to the hard drive somehow, maybe - to the Temp
folder. But I have no idea how can I do this!

As I understand, the files being installed by wix are not actually
present on the machine before install finalize...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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