Hi all!
I am unable to create an installer that installs the merge modules for
MapInfo's MapXtreme 6.8.0. There are a total of 4 merge modules that I
need to install:


I can install MIFonts_6.8.0.msm without problems.
MapInfoMXTConfig_6.8.0.msm causes an unexpected Win32 error with code
0x065B: "Function failed during execution" in light.exe.
MapInfoCoreEngine_6.8.0.msm and MapInfoDesktop_6.8.0.msm causes ICE 83
and ICE30 errors.

I was able to "work around" the ICE83 (adding code) and ICE30 (suppress)
errors but now I am stuck with the "unexpected Win32 error" caused by
MapInfoMXTConfig_6.8.0.msm. Does anyone have any ideas on what to try? I
am new to Wix and I so there is a definite possibility of user error
here. Is my only option to contact MapInfo support? The strange thing is
that if I include these merge modules in an installation created by Wise
Installation Studio (Windows Installer Edition), they work fine (or at
least I can create an MSI that installs them).

Here is my source code example that I am trying to get to work, I am
using Wix version 3.0.5217.0:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>
        <Product Id="8d7c4545-3fd5-4108-a1eb-fc79bfe6877d"
Name="MergeTest" Language="1033" Version="" Manufacturer="Acme"
                <Package InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" />
                <Media Id="1" Cabinet="media1.cab" EmbedCab="yes" />

                <!-- BEGIN: Corrects bug in MapXtreme merge modules...
                <!-- END: Corrects bug in MapXtreme merge modules... -->
                <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
                        <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
                                <Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION"
Id="TestTxtComponentId" Guid="{04C1801F-45EC-4c03-9E47-C362D19767FD}">
                                        <File Id="TestTxtFileId"
KeyPath="yes" Source="test.txt" />
                                        <Merge Id="MIFonts"
Language="1033" SourceFile="MIFonts_6.8.0.msm" DiskId="1"/>
                                        <Merge Id="MICore"
Language="1033" SourceFile="MapInfoCoreEngine_6.8.0.msm" DiskId="1" />
                                        <Merge Id="MIDesktop"
Language="1033" SourceFile="MapInfoDesktop_6.8.0.msm" DiskId="1" />
                                        <Merge Id="MIConfig"
Language="1033" SourceFile="MapInfoMXTConfig_6.8.0.msm" DiskId="1" />

                <Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="mxmerge" Level="1">
                <ComponentRef Id="TestTxtComponentId"/>
                <MergeRef Id="MIFonts" />
                <MergeRef Id="MICore" />
                <MergeRef Id="MIDesktop" />
                <MergeRef Id="MIConfig" />


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