Do MM custom actions get triggered even if the module/feature is not
selected for installation?

I have included 2 merge modules in my setup something like: 

                <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
                        <Directory Id="WEBDIR" Name="Inetpub">
                                <Directory Id="PxWS" Name="PxWS">
                                        <Merge Id='PxWSModule'
Language='1033' SourceFile='../Release/PxWSMergeModule.msm' DiskId='1'>
Name="PxFolder_Property" Value="[INSTALLLOCATION]" />
                        <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
                                <Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION"
                                        <Merge Id='PxDbModule'
Language='1033' SourceFile='../Release/PxDbModule.msm' DiskId='1' />

                <Feature Id="PxDBFeature" Title="Proximex Database"
Level="1" ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLLOCATION"
TypicalDefault="install" >
                        <MergeRef Id='PxDbModule' />
                <Feature Id="ProximexWebService" Title="Proximex Web
Service" Level="2">
                        <MergeRef Id='PxWSModule' />

Now when I run the setup and select only PxDbModule it still perform the
actions from PxWSModule (it doesn't seem to copy the files but the
custom actions seem to get triggered
Do I need to add any condition in my custom actions so that they don't
get triggered?


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