
I am new to WIX and MSI packages.

Requirement :

1.       Put in "DLL" and "event manifest" under %ProgramFiles%.

2.       Register the "DLL" [ By making call to "regsvr32 dllname" ]

3.       Install the "event manifest" [ By making call to "wevtutil im 
manifest" ]
I need to satisfy these 3 requirements as a part of MSI installation package. 
So that whenever MSI installation completes all the above 3 requirements are 

1.       Which is the best way to do it?

a.       Are their some tags etc. which can support registration of DLL?

2.       My solution & Problems :

a.       For steps 2 & 3 above, I wrote a ".cmd" file and invoked that ".cmd" 
file at the end of installation, as a part of "CustomAction"

                                                               i.      DLL 
doesn't get installed, because ".cmd" should run under "elevated" mode. I could 
not find out how to run the ".cmd" file in elevated mode.

Attached is the ".wxs" file that I have created. It is fairly small. Please 
have a look at it and let me know the best solution for my problems.


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