I am new to WIX. I am using util:PermissionEx for creating ACLs. I can
successfully set rights like read, write, read & execute but I am unable to
find any information about settings Modify Permission (see attached for
I have tried using "Append" attribute to achieve this functionality (this
seems to be the only attribute that may do the desired)
<CreateFolder Directory ="TestDir">
  <util:PermissionEx Domain="[ComputerName]" User="TestUser"
GenericRead="yes" Read="yes" Traverse="yes" GenericExecute="yes"
But using this, the following compilation error appears:
"error CNDL0004: The util:PermissionEx element contains an unexpected
attribute 'Append'."
Could you please help me out in this. Thanks.
Best Regards,
Gulfam Murad
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