Did you pick a code page that supports that character? Personally, I 
always recommend using the (c) instead of the actual character. It's 
just more straightforward since MSI files are not Unicode.

Olex wrote:
> I'm attempting to set a text control with a copy right note, where I specify
> $#169; for (c) symbol.
> However, in MSI it shows up as "?" symbol instead.
> Is there a way to debug this?
> I found out that I can correct MSI using Orca.exe by manually placing (c)
> symbol, so there must be something failing on WiX side.
> Any ideas?
> P.S. Here is the text control that gives the problem.
> <Control Id="CopyrightText" Type="Text" X="18" Y="329" Width="200" Height="
> 15" Transparent="yes">
> <Text><![CDATA[ &#169; 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
> ]]></Text>
> </Control>
> --
> Oleksandr Lozitskiy
> "Wealth is the product of man's capacity to think." -- Ayn Rand
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