Dear all,

Doesn't anybody have any answer for this?

> Dear AllI have modified the WixUI_INSTALLDIR set to add a condition:
> I am creating a dialog named "InstallDirConditionDlg" which informs the
> That the install path contains SPACEand that the program will not work if
> So.
> I want to modify the InstallDirDlg to show the dialog:
> <Control Id="Folder" Type="PathEdit" X="20" Y="100" Width="320" Height="18

> Property="WIXUI_INSTALLDIR" Indirect="yes">
> <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="InstallDirConditionDlg
> </Control>
> Can anybody tell me what should I use instead of this PROPER_CONDITION? I
> Have tested many things but I was unsuccessful.
> In the MSDN is said that >< between the strings checks the left string and
> Returns TRUE if it contains the right string.
> Thanks in advance

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