Hi Riyaz, not exactly sure why you want to hard code it to the C:\ folder?
Take a look at this as it might be what you want to do:
Also you can do this:

I haven't noticed that wix defaults it to the most free space drive
either(could be always defaults to c for me), but if you use this structure
below it should default it to programfiles folder as I think you want.

>From wix help:
WixUI_InstallDir does not allow the user to choose what features to install,
but it adds a dialog to let the user choose a directory where the product
will be installed.

To use WixUI_InstallDir, you must set a property named WIXUI_INSTALLDIR with
a value of the ID of the directory you want the user to be able to specify
the location of. The directory ID must be all uppercase characters because
it must be passed from the UI to the execute sequence to take effect. For

<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
  <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="PFiles">
    <Directory Id="TESTFILEPRODUCTDIR" Name="Test File">
<UIRef Id="WixUI_InstallDir" />

Windows installer(msi) does not like when you use hard-code pathing thus the
warning.  But the pathing should work fine if you want to use it.

2009/4/25 Riyaz Mogharabin <moghara...@gmail.com>

> Dear Friends,
> It seems that in WiX 3, the TARGETDIR is set to the local drive which has
> the most free space on the system.
> I need to hardcode this so the user will always see "C:\MyProgram\" as the
> default install path.
> For this, I've done the following:
>    <Property Id='TARGETDIR' Value='C:\'/>
> And this is working properly. Yet, there is a warning:
> Warning LGHT1076 : ICE48: Directory 'TARGETDIR' appears to be hardcoded in
> the property table to a local drive.
> Does anybody has an idea if this is going to have any harm on my installer?
> Regards,
> Riyaz
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