Dear all,

I was using a customAction in the WiX 2 to open the readme file when the
installation is finished. The code was:

<Property Id='expProp'>explorer</Property>
<CustomAction ExeCommand='[INSTALLDIR]Third_Test_Folder\Readme.htm\Readme
htm' Property='expProp' Return='asyncNoWait' Id='jPOJPyqG'/>

Now, I'm modifying the Exit Dialog to show a Checkbox for "Show Readme On
Exit". Note that I don't want to use the Optional CheckBox, because I don't
like it's position. So, I modified the dialog. Somebody has said that I need
to open the readme file with a ShelExecute element:

<Property Id="WixShellExecTarget" Value=
[INSTALLDIR]Third_Test_Folder\Readme.htm" />
<CustomAction Id="ShowReadmeFile" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixShellExec"
Impersonate="yes" />

No it is working. But there is an issue. I am getting a warning like this:

C:\WiX\CustomDialogs\Adding_Dlg\Test_InstaLler.wxs(84) : warning CNDL1077 :
The 'WixShellExecTarget' Property contains '[INSTALLDIR]' in its value which
is an illegal reference to another property.  If this value is a string
literal, not a property reference, please ignore this warning.  To set a
property with the value of another property, use a CustomAction with
Property and Value attributes.

Can anybody explain for me about what it means and what to do with it?

Thanks in advance,


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