Yes, exactly.

Sascha Beaumont wrote:
> Hi Louis,
> I'm a relatively "new" WiX user (only a month or two) and I was
> thinking along the same lines when I first took a look at WiX for use
> in our projects last year. The main thing is that InstallShield
> doesn't require an understanding of MSI technology to create MSI based
> installers. WiX does.
> The key I found to getting to grips with WiX, was to really wrap my
> head around the MSI fundamentals before I even considered migrating my
> project from InstallShield. For a beginner I would highly recommend
> reading "The Definitive Guide to Windows Installer" (you should be
> able to find it on Amazon) and then referencing MSI45.chm (from the
> Windows Installer 4.5 SDK) and WIX.chm (from Wix 3.0) when developing
> your installation. For informal documentation and specific examples
> there are some very good blogs out there (search the archives,
> information from a couple of years ago still provides valid
> knowledge).
> Once you understand how InstallShield wraps itself around MSI with
> your existing project, migrating to WiX isn't really that big of a
> challenge. If you don't understand MSI internals first, then WiX will
> be a lot more daunting and confusing :)
> Cheers,
> Sascha
> On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 5:05 AM, Louis elston <> wrote:
>> >From the tutorial."This toolset requires .NET Framework 1.1 and its Service
>> Pack", and "does not require any extra framework to be installed on the
>> target system".  Why just framework 1.1, Why not a more recent version?  Are
>> there problems with WiX that might be eliminated if using a higher version
>> of the .NET Framework?  Is it required that .Net Framework 1.1 be installed
>> on the target system?  I may be wrong, but I believe that there are very few
>> installers written today that do not require .NET Framework 2.0 or higher
>> (either for the installer requirements, or the product that is being
>> installed), so why not use the higher version of the .Net Framework?
>> My experience is with InstallShield, where while some of my questions can be
>> answered on the forums, not all of them are answered, and, not always in the
>> time frame that is required to satisfy the requirements of getting my work
>> done on time, and the product out the door on time.  If necessary, with a
>> support contract, I can usually get any of my questions answered (even if it
>> is just to tell me that what I want to be done cannot be done).
>> The tutorial (out of synch with the 2.0 examples), states that "there is a
>> relatively steep learning curve".  It seems to me that (aside from the cost
>> of the tools such as InstallShield or Wise.and their support contracts),
>> that until there is the ability to get some kind of support, more current
>> learning material, books, etc., that if there is any kind of early deadline
>> as to getting the product and installer out the door, then the third party
>> tools are the way to go for the time being.
>> Don't get me wrong, I am going to continue to try to muddle my way through
>> learning WiX as I believe that it will make me more marketable, but if
>> Microsoft wants this 'Free' product to take off, they should consider
>> helping it along a little.
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