
I'm using WiX version 3.0.4513.0.  Our installer allows for a .wxl- 
specified installation location using the following tagset:

<String Id="IDS_INSTALLDIR">InstallLocation</String>

where InstallLocation is a relative directory to be used for the  
installation path.

I'm getting the following error when running light.exe if I provide an  
install location with a backslash in it:

error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Invalid DefaultDir string; Table: Directory,  
Column: DefaultDir, Key(s): INSTALLDIR

The tagset in this case looks like this:

<String Id="IDS_INSTALLDIR">dir1\dir2</String>

Maybe I'm blind, but I did look through the issue tracker for other  
issues like this and didn't find any.  I'm wondering, is this a known  
issue?  Has it been fixed in a later release?  Or is this behavior  
intentional - and if so, how should we specify nested directories for  
our default installation directory?  I'd like to know before I start  
digging into the light.exe code.

Matt Ryan
Development Lead, Windows Client

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