> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Arnson 
> Alan Sinclair wrote:
> > I thought I'd make a new component (with condition on the component) 
> > and move the shortcut into that, but that was too simplistic and I 
> > don't know what KeyPath to use.  I get "ICE50 ERROR Component 
> > 'GuiDesktopIcon' has an advertised shortcut, but a null KeyPath" and 
> > the shortcut never installs. But KeyPath="no" candle gives WiX err 
> > 118, and Advertized="no" gets validation failure "ICE43 ERROR 
> > Component GuiDesktopIcon has non-advertised shortcuts. It should use a 
> > registry key under HKCU as its KeyPath, not a file" and
> > "ICE57 ERROR Component 'GuiDesktopIcon' has both per-user and per-machine 
> > data with a per-machine KeyPath."
> >   

> Advertised shortcuts require the component to include the target program. 
> So either include it in both components (relying on WiX smart cabbing to 
> not bloat the size of your .msi package) or you need to make the shortcut 
> non-advertised and fix the ICE43 and ICE57 errors with additional registry 
> entries.

Thanks so much! 
Including the file in both components not only soved the problem, it also 
my understanding of advertisment.


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