Our service deliverable msi is installing a biztalk 2009 application.  As is 
the case with all things bts everything it uses needs to get deployed to the 

One of those bts resource dll's makes use of the vs08 settings designer/api for 
externally exposing runtime settings you want to be able to tweak w/o having to 
rebuild, i.e. 
settings designer == <project> | properties | Settings | 
Settings.Default.MySettingsDesignerCreatedAndMaintainedRunTimeValue = 12345
settings api == <some type implementation>.cs | int 
someExternallyConfigurableRuntimeSetting = 

For that gac deployed dll to have its settings api calls able to retrieve the 
dll.config stored runtime settings the dll.config has to be placed in the same 
directory as the dll.

I tried the following two options and the first doesn't work because it seems 
the file copy to the gac of the dll.config gets cleared when 
MsiPublishAssemblies processing of the Assembly=".net" dll file setting is 
processed.  I tried the second option I could think of which was to add the 
custom action sequenced to happen after MsiPublishAssemblies and even though 
the verbose logs show it successfully copying the dll.config to the right path 
it is not there after setup competes.   Not sure what process is deleting that 
file copy.   I can copy the custom action statement out of the verbose log and 
run it after setup completes and it does what I'd expect.  Any thoughts on why 
that's happening and more importantly how I can get this dll.config file 
deployed along side its parent gac deployed dll as part of my wix sources would 
be very much appreciated.

    <Component Id="Sdk1Gac14" Guid="A6D64010-D181-40BF-9ABC-BA15633E1F45">
         <File Id="Sdk1GacDataEntities.Providers.dll" 
             Assembly=".net" KeyPath="yes" />

<DirectoryRef Id="GacMsilDir">
    <Directory Id="Sdk1Gac14Dir" Name="MyGacDestinedAssembly">
        <Directory Id="Sdk1Gac14VersionTokenDir" 
            <Component Id="Sdk1Gac14DllCfg" Guid="*">
                <File Id="MyGacDestinedAssembly.dll.config" 
Source="$(var.MyGacDestinedAssembly.TargetPath).config" KeyPath="yes" />

<CustomAction Id="SetSdk1Gac14DllCfg" Property="RunSdk1Gac14DllCfg" 
Value="&quot;[WindowsFolder]system32\cmd.exe&quot; /c copy 
&quot;[Sdk1Gac14VersionTokenDir]&quot;" /> 
<CustomAction Id="RunSdk1Gac14DllCfg" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="CAQuietExec" 
Execute="deferred" Return="ignore" />

<Custom Action="SetSdk1Gac14DllCfg" After="MsiPublishAssemblies">!Sdk1=2 And 
&amp;Sdk1=3 And ?Sdk1Gac14=2 And $Sdk1Gac14=3</Custom>
<Custom Action="RunSdk1Gac14DllCfg" After="SetSdk1Gac14DllCfg">!Sdk1=2 And 
&amp;Sdk1=3 And ?Sdk1Gac14=2 And $Sdk1Gac14=3</Custom>

-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Sleightholm [mailto:n...@x2systems.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 10:11 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] is there a way to get a dll.config file deployed along 
side a gac destined file, e.g. a <File .../> entry with Assembly=".net" defined?

I don't believe there is any supported way, WiX or otherwise, to put a
config file in the GAC. I am curious why you would want to?


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert O'Brien [mailto:robert.obr...@microsoft.com] 
Sent: 27 February 2009 17:15
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] is there a way to get a dll.config file deployed
along side a gac destined file, e.g. a <File .../> entry with
Assembly=".net" defined?

is there a way to get a dll.config file deployed along side a gac
destined file, e.g. a <File .../> entry with Assembly=".net" defined?
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