Search for launch conditions. You'll probably want an immediate custom action 
(or multiple actions) to run before launch conditions

Most "features" can be traced to a service. I have a product that requires 
Message Queueing, which is the MSMQ service. Here is a VB.NET custom action I 
wrote using the DTF framework.

    <CustomAction()> _
    Public Shared Function DetectMSMQ(ByVal session As Session) As ActionResult
        session.Log("Begin message queueing service detection")

        For Each svc As ServiceController In ServiceController.GetServices()
            If svc.ServiceName = "MSMQ" Then
                session("EXISTSMSMQ") = "1"
                session.Log("MSMQ was found.")
            End If

        Return ActionResult.Success
    End Function

If you had multiple required services, you could use a select/switch statement 
with a property for each service. This will allow you to cancel the install if 
the features are missing, but does not install them.

You cannot install the missing features from within your MSI. You'll need a 
bootstrapper EXE to install the missing features. There are lots of examples of 
how you do this for the .NET Framework. You'll need to figure out a command 
line or API in Windows you can use to automate installing the missing features 
and incorporate that into the bootstrapper. I cannot really help with that 
aspect of your question.

- Don Benson -

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sandun css []
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 12:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: [WiX-users] Install pre-requisites from server manager
> features
> Hi all,
> There are few pre-requisites for my application, which will be
> installed on
> a Windows server 2008 machine.
> Most of those pre-requisites are there in the ServerManager features
> and
> roles.
> Is there a way in wix, to verify whether those features are installed,
> and
> to install them if not found?
> Thanks,
> Sandun
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