What is the difference between !(bind.VariableName) and !(wix.VariableName)? 
I've seen examples of !(wix.VariableName) usage in WixUI_Advanced.wxs but can't 
find a reference in the documentation. My gut tells me they are two syntaxes 
for referencing WixVariable values.

Assuming my gut is correct, then I would like to choose one a single syntax for 
consistency but candle seems to require both syntaxes at different times:

Product/@Version accepts !(bind.Version) but rejects !(wix.Version).
Product/@UpgradeCode accepts !(wix.UpgradeCode) but rejects !(bind.UpgradeCode).
Upgrade/@Id accepts !(wix.UpgradeCode) but rejects !(bind.UpgradeCode).

Edwin G. Castro
Software Developer - Staff
Electronic Banking Services
Office: 503-746-0643
Fax: 503-617-0291
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