
I'm in the long way of converting tons of InstallShield projects to
WIX last days. Usually I use dark on compiled merge modules and do
some cleanup manually. In most cases this is enough.
Few days ago I found a component which has been correctly decompiled
from msm, but source generated by dark can't be compiled due to schema
Code causing error:

        <Component Id="MyUtil.dll" 
Guid="{24A61AF6-5357-4047-8AE8-B2470B2E2FD6}" SharedDllRefCount="yes">
          <File Id="MyUtil.dll" Name="MyUtil.dll" KeyPath="yes">
            <TypeLib Id="{7F1806A6-1864-4697-A06B-E36F41D75DEF}" Advertise="no" 
Language="0" MajorVersion="256" MinorVersion="0">
              <AppId Id="{CA39D995-ACA4-42B1-AABA-0C77EF20F785}" Advertise="no">
                <Class Id="{28FE5CD9-272D-442D-BA16-822126FCBD00}" 
Context="InprocServer32" Description="StatusProblem_ProviderSomeError Class" 
Advertise="no" Version="1.0">
                  <ProgId Id="MyUtil.StatusProblem_Provider.1" 
Description="StatusProblem_ProviderOffNeedsNewData Class" Advertise="no">
                    <ProgId Id="MyUtil.StatusProblem_ProviderAu" 
Description="StatusProblem_ProviderSomeError Class" Advertise="no"/>
                    <ProgId Id="MyUtil.StatusProblem_ProviderEr" 
Description="StatusProblem_ProviderError Class" Advertise="no"/>
                    <ProgId Id="MyUtil.StatusProblem_ProviderOf" 
Description="StatusProblem_ProviderOffNeedsNewData Class" Advertise="no"/>

Looks like WIX doesn't allow multiple version-independent ProgIds
under actual ProgId. I'm not COM expert, but I saw few classes
registered that way already. InstallShield allows such registration as
So, my question is - is that WIX schema problem or such registration
is not allowed by design (if so - why? could you point me to some docs
describing that?)

Maciej Oszutowski

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