You can set the Alias to "MyWebDir/MyVirtualDir".  Luckily you didn't 
want to create a WebDir and fill in with content - I'm working around 
that now, and it isn't pretty under Vista (and possibly 2008) due to 
permissions and timing issues.

I will agree with you that the reference model for the IIs extension is 
somewhat of a pain; I am contemplating adding a WebFile element and 
making the nesting somewhat more sane (makes it easier to generate WiX 
from a hierarchical store).  I'm also working on better integration of 
File / Directory elements with the Web elements - although one CAN 
create arbitrary paths and set arbitrary properties within the metabase, 
it doesn't make sense to do so.  It would nice if one could be assured 
that they weren't going to end up with stranded metabase references 
because the file / directory was deleted (and vice versa).


Thomas S. Trias
Senior Developer
Artizan Internet Services

-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: [WiX-users] Creating VirtualDir within existing WebDir
From: troy hostetter <>
Date: 2/25/2009 2:33 PM
> Any idea how to do this?  What I want is to create MyVirtualDir within an
> existing WebDir called MyWebDir.
> IIS looks like this:
> MyWebSite
>     MyWebDir
>         MyVirtualDir
> My current WiX configuration looks like this:
> <Fragment>
>     <iis:WebAppPool Id="WAP__UberPool" Name="UberPool" />
>     <iis:WebSite Id="WS__MyWebSite" Description="MyWebSite">
>         <iis:WebAddress Id="WA__MyPort" Port="41000" />
>     </iis:WebSite>
> </Fragment>
> <DirectoryRef Id="MYWEBSITE.MYWEBDIR">
>     <Directory Id="D__MyVirtualDir" Name="MyVirtualDir">
>         <Component Id="C__MyVirtualDir" Guid="<My Guid>" DiskId="1">
>             <iis:WebVirtualDir Id="WVD__MyVirtualDir" Alias="MyVirtualDir"
> Directory="D__MyVirtualDir" WebSite="WS__MyWebSite">
>                 <iis:WebApplication Id="WA__MyVirtualDir"
> Name="MyVirtualDir" WebAppPool="WAP__UberPool" />
>                 <iis:WebDirProperties Id="WDP__MyVirtualDir" Execute="no"
> Script="yes" Read="yes" WindowsAuthentication="yes" />
>             </iis:WebVirtualDir>
>             <CreateFolder/>
>         </Component>
>     </Directory>
> </DirectoryRef>
> I think I need to use the <iis:WebDir /> element, however I am not sure how
> to define it.  I cannot define an <iis:WebVirtualDir /> as a child of
> <iis:WebDir /> .. although it makes sense in my mind.
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> - Troy

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