I assume the changes are logged into a revision control system of some 
kind; what we are doing is keeping fragments of WiX as versioned 
properties of the associated files and directories.  When we do a new 
build, we grab the revision history, pre-process the WiX as necessary, 
shove the results into a WXS file, and off we go.  We are still working 
out some of the kinks in terms of nested information; forcing a separate 
component for each file and directory certainly helped.

Hope that helps,

Thomas S. Trias
Senior Developer
Artizan Internet Services

-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: [WiX-users] Question about including large number of 
"modified"    files...
From: Tabmow <tabmo...@gmail.com>
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: 2/25/2009 1:15 PM
> Hi all,
>    I'm new to wix, and have looked at the tutorial at tramonta and searched
> around various places, but the answer to this isn't immediately obvious to
> me, so I was hoping someone could help shed some light on it. 
> Our installer will be installing 3 large directories.  Two of them are
> completely static 3rd party stuff that will not change at all for the
> release.   However, the third directory is our main product build output, so
> that changes weekly.   My question is:  how do people deal with situations
> like this?   I've looked at tallow & paraffin, and looks like I can use them
> (paraffin looks very nice) to build up my lists for inclusion in wxs file
> which will work perfect for 2 of the 3 directories & files.   However, the
> third directory will change every week and there could be new files, files
> deleted, new directories, etc.   Since all the stuff on tallow/paraffin i
> could see does not recommend re-running them on every build (so as not to
> have all new GUIDs and break component rules), I could run paraffin once and
> then every other build of my installer i could just do a paraffin -update...
> But then if new files get added one week, the next week -update would give
> them a different GUID unless I had some way of knowing when the new files
> were changed and to save that change.   Asking designers to inform us of
> file additions/removals is not feasible - ~100 designers. 
> So for that one directory that *could* change frequently, I could just store
> it as a zip file (this is what gets created by as a build artifact anyway)
> in the MSI and unzip it, couldn't I?   Although lots of responses towards
> people asking questions about using Wix to handle zip files are very
> negative towards using zip files... so how are people handling situations
> like this?  I would have assumed this was a common problem? 
> I hope my point/question makes some sense.   I would appreciate any
> help/suggestions/comments anyone has. 
> Thanks!

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