Doesn't exist today (unfortunately)... probably not too hard since you don't 
have to modify machine state.  Just read data, set properties... let XmlConfig 
do all the heavy lifting (aka: install/uninstall/rollback/etc.).

-----Original Message-----
From: Mordecai Zibkoff []
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 10:28
Subject: [WiX-users] how to read appsettings values within wix


I have a requirement to build an installer the does the following:

1 - the installer should read an appsettings value from a pre existing
web.config on the target machine.

2 - This value should then be used to edit a web.config file before
writing it, as a new file to the target directory (different than the
directory where the first web.config resides)

I can get step 2 done easily with the Util:XmlFile, but I don't have a
way to extract the value, as described in step 1. I can imagine an
XmlSearch or an AppSettingsSearch tag would be a nice way to solve this.
Is there such an animal? If not, how difficult would it be to write one?



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