On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 10:10 AM, DEÁK JAHN, Gábor <d...@tramontana.co.hu>wrote:

> On Wed, 7 Jan 2009 15:02:44 -0800, Colin Fox wrote:
> Colin,
> > I'm unaware of any limitations of CAB files that would get in my
> > way. My understanding of my problem is that WiX doesn't support
> > this kind of operation.
> Well, actually, it's Windows Installer that doesn't support it, it's not a
> WiX limitation.
> Bye,
>   Gábor

Ok, well I've tried to use Heat to solve my problem. To Heat's credit, it
builds the xml fragment file very very quickly.

Unfortunately, I am still stuck with two problems:

First - The fragment file that Heat produces has absolute paths for all the
file references, which is unacceptable in a multi-developer project. This
directory is going to change maybe once every couple of years, so there is
no point in rebuilding the .wxs fragment for every compile. I would like to
create it once and just use it, but I need relative paths, like in all the
other files.

Second - If I *was* going to use heat.exe as part of the pre-build event for
my WiX install build, I need to be able to execute it as a pre build event.
But when I try (my pre-build event is this:
heat dir ..\MyProj\Template -out tmpl.wxs -template:fragment -gg
), I get a ton of errors like this:

Warning    11    The element 'PropertyGroup' in namespace '
http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003' has invalid child
element 'UserTargetsPath' in namespace '
http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003'. List of possible
elements expected: 'Property' in namespace '
http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003'.    C:\Program
Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\WiX\v3.0\Wix.targets    53    6    Miscellaneous

It seems that putting 'heat' into my pre-build event for my MSI build
creates invalid xml...?
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