I have been looking through the Wix wxs files of the installer for Wix
itself.  I am assuming that this is a good place to look for best practices
type of information and have a few questions about what I see and hope that
someone can provide me with some answers.

In Product.wxs:

1.   <Product Id="*" Name="$(var.ProductName)" Language="1033"
Manufacturer="Microsoft Corporation" Version="$(var.WixVersion)"

## Question 1 ###: Why is Wix using a new ProductCode for every build of the

2.   <!-- WixUI_Advanced scaffolding (to be replaced by extension authoring)
        <Property Id="ApplicationFolderName"
Value="$(var.ProductDirectoryName)" />
        <Property Id="ALLUSERS" Value="1" />
        <Property Id="WixAppFolder" Value="WixPerMachineFolder" />
        <WixVariable Id="WixUISupportPerMachine" Value="1" />
        <WixVariable Id="WixUISupportPerUser" Value="0" />
            <DialogRef Id="PrerequisitesDlg" />
            <UIRef Id="WixUI_Advanced" />
            <UIRef Id="WixUI_ErrorProgressText"
            <ProgressText Action="VS90Setup" Template="[1]">Updating Visual
Studio 2008 registration</ProgressText>

### Question 2 ###: Why should WixUI_Advanced be replaced by extension
authoring?  Should I favor extension authoring over some other means of
providing a UI?

3. <!-- Directories -->
        <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
            <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" />
            <?if $(var.Platform)=x64 ?>
            <Directory Id="ProgramFiles64Folder" />

            <Directory Id="APPLICATIONFOLDER"
Name="$(var.ProductDirectoryName)" />

            <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder" Name="ProgMenu">
                <Directory Id="WixShortcutFolder"
Name="$(var.ProductDirectoryName)" />

### Question 3 ###: Why does APPLICATIONFOLDER not live in
ProgramFilesFolder?  If not using Program Files why include them?

Ryan Parlee 


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