After tinkering a while and installing the latest weekly, I got everything working (Registration, Titles, Filters, and TOC). For prosperity, here's snips of the updated WiX that accomplished it for me.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Wix xmlns="" xmlns:vs=""> <?include Common.wxi ?> <Fragment> <vs:HelpFilter Id="HelpFilter" FilterDefinition=""DocSet"="MyDocSet"" Name="MyCompany MyProduct Version" /> <DirectoryRef Id="Help"> <Component Id="MyProduct$(var.ShortVersionND)Help" Guid="*" KeyPath="yes" Location="local"> <File Id="MyCompany.MyProduct.hxs" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\MyCompany.MyProduct.hxs"> <vs:HelpFile Id="HelpFile" Language="1033" Name="$(var.Product)Help$(var.ShortVersionND)" /> </File> <File Id="COL_MyCompany.MyProduct.HxC" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\COL_MyCompany.MyProduct.HxC"> <vs:HelpCollection Id="HelpCollection" Description="$(var.ManufacSN) $(var.Product) $(var.ShortVersion)" Name="$(var.ManufacSN).$(var.Product)$(var.ShortVersionND)"> <vs:HelpFileRef Id="HelpFile" /> <vs:HelpFilterRef Id="HelpFilter" /> <vs:PlugCollectionInto TargetCollection="MS_VSIPCC_v80" TargetFeature="Help" TargetTableOfContents="FL_vsipcc_hxt_86880________" /> <vs:PlugCollectionInto TargetCollection="MS.VSIPCC.v90" TargetFeature="Help" TargetTableOfContents="FL_vsipcc_hxt_86880_86880_cn_ln" /> </vs:HelpCollection> </File> <File Id="COL_MyCompany.MyProduct.hxt" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\COL_MyCompany.MyProduct.hxt" /> <File Id="COL_MyCompany.MyProduct_A.hxk" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\COL_MyCompany.MyProduct_A.hxk" /> <File Id="COL_MyCompany.MyProduct_D.hxk" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\COL_MyCompany.MyProduct_D.hxk" /> <File Id="COL_MyCompany.MyProduct_F.hxk" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\COL_MyCompany.MyProduct_F.hxk" /> <File Id="COL_MyCompany.MyProduct_K.hxk" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\COL_MyCompany.MyProduct_K.hxk" /> <File Id="COL_MyCompany.MyProduct_N.hxk" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\COL_MyCompany.MyProduct_N.hxk" /> <File Id="MyCompany.MyProduct.HxC" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\MyCompany.MyProduct.HxC"/> <File Id="MyCompany.MyProduct.HxF" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\MyCompany.MyProduct.HxF" /> <File Id="MyCompany.MyProduct.hxk" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\MyCompany.MyProduct.hxk" /> <File Id="MyCompany.MyProduct.hxt" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\MyCompany.MyProduct.hxt" /> <File Id="MyCompany.MyProduct_A.hxk" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\MyCompany.MyProduct_A.hxk" /> <File Id="MyCompany.MyProduct_D.hxk" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\MyCompany.MyProduct_D.hxk" /> <File Id="MyCompany.MyProduct_F.hxk" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\MyCompany.MyProduct_F.hxk" /> <File Id="MyCompany.MyProduct_N.hxk" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\MyCompany.MyProduct_N.hxk" /> </Component> </DirectoryRef> <FeatureGroup Id="Help"> <Feature Id="Help" Title="Help" Level="1" Display="expand" Description="The $(var.Name) Visual Studio integrated help files "> ... Thanks for the help. -Dave -----Original Message----- From: David Terrell [] Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 8:54 AM To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Help with MSHelp2 MSHelp Looks like I have 3.0.4714.0 Over the day after I sent the original email I got everything working except the TOC. I'll check release notes for weekly builds and upgrade either way. -Dave -----Original Message----- From: Rob Mensching [] Sent: Fri 12/26/2008 2:29 PM To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Help with MSHelp2 MSHelp What version of the WiX toolset are you using? The latest builds of WiX v3 tried to address a lot of the problems with help. -----Original Message----- From: David Terrell [] Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 06:01 To: Subject: [WiX-users] Help with MSHelp2 MSHelp I've searched all over...what's the deal with Help installations? I can't seem to get mine to work, and I've seen other people get it to work (by dark'ing the redistributable MSMs? Making custom tables?). I need to deploy some help collections, filters, etc. and I'm pretty close to just using a bunch of Custom Actions to run Innovasys' InnovaHxReg executable to register my help collections. Can anyone shed some light on how to do this? I, at one point, had the MSMs included and Merge/MergeRef nodes but I only got a bunch of errors. This is like what I have at the moment: <Fragment> <DirectoryRef Id="Help"> <Component Id="MyProduct$(var.ShortVersionND)Help" Guid="11281ECA-BDA7-4CEA-A330-309AEDDF7753" KeyPath="yes"> <File Id="Guide.Pdf" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\Guide.Pdf" /> <File Id="MyCompany.MyProduct.hxs" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\MyCompany.MyProduct.hxs"> <vs:HelpFile Id="HelpFile" Language="1033" Name="$(var.Product)$(var.ShortVersionND)" /> </File> <File Id="COL_MyCompany.MyProduct.HxC" Source="$(var.HelpPath)\COL_MyCompany.MyProduct.HxC"> <vs:HelpCollection Id="HelpCollection" Description="$(var.ManufacSN) $(var.Product) $(var.ShortVersion)" Name="$(var.ManufacSN).$(var.Product)$(var.ShortVersionND)"> <vs:PlugCollectionInto TargetCollection="MS_VSIPCC_v80" TargetFeature="Help" /> <vs:PlugCollectionInto TargetCollection="MS.VSIPCC.v90" TargetFeature="Help" /> </vs:HelpCollection> </File> <!-- A bunch of other help files that have no interesting vs nodes --> </Component> </DirectoryRef> <FeatureGroup Id="Help"> <Feature Id="Help" Title="Help" Level="1" Display="expand" Description="The $(var.Name) Visual Studio help files "> <ComponentRef Id="MyProduct$(var.ShortVersionND)Help"/> </Feature> </FeatureGroup> <CustomActionRef Id="VS2005Setup"/> <CustomActionRef Id="VS90Setup"/> </Fragment> </Wix> This compiles and installs but help isn't registered. Any help is appreciated, because I still don't have the InnovaHxReg working properly. I believe the problem I'm having with that is the working directory when it's run is not the directory that contains all the help files, so it's not operating properly. -Dave T. This electronic mail message and any attached files contain information intended only for the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Any use, distribution, copying or disclosure by any other person is strictly prohibited. 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