Thanks for your help Bob.

> From: Bob Arnson <>
> Dale Quigg wrote:
>> I have a requirement to allow UNC paths.  My understanding is that the
>> BrowseDlg does not allow this.

> No, mostly because MSI runs in system context except when
> impersonating the user during custom actions. Therefore, it
> has limited permissions to network resources.
> Your problem is that Shell32.dll is a native Windows DLL, not
> a managed assembly. Check the command that MSBuild runs
> building your project outside VS; it will have the details
> you need to replicate it in NAnt.

This got me on the right track. When compiling via the IDE, a file named 
Interop.Shell32.dll was created in the obj directory.  I checked this in and 
added a reference to it after Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll for 
both the csc.exe and MakeSfxCA.exe build steps.

To get past the "update text box after custom action" issue, I implemented 
joanne's suggestion of duplicate dialogs here;


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