I have a list of databases to be populated for a given server in a combobox.
The user selects a value from the list of servers (a different dropdown on
same screen) and clicks on GetDatabases to have the Databse combo refreshed
with new set of Databases. I am calling a vbs custom action to populate the
combo. I am having an issue where the combo is getting populated only if I
leave the screen and comeback. I need the combo to refresh as soon as the
GetDatabases button clicked. I can see the CA firing correctly and
immediately but the population is not happening. I saw some similar posts
but none of them have been able to help me yet. The code snippet looks like
below. Any help will be appreciated

<Control Id="SQLSERVER_DATABASE1" Type="ComboBox" X="120" Y="150" Width="150
" Height="18" TabSkip="no" Property="SQLSERVER_DATABASE1" Sorted="yes" >


<!--<Control Id="Control_Dummy" Property="DUMMY" Type="ComboBox" X="120" Y="
170" Width="51" Height="17" Text="Poo" >

<ComboBox Property="DUMMY">

<ListItem Value="filler"/>

</ComboBox> Added a dummy control suggested in some post but does not


<Control Id="Get" Type="PushButton" X="280" Y="150" Width="56" Height="17"
Default="yes" Text="Get Database">

<Publish Property="DBSERVERNAME" Value="[IS_SQLSERVER_SERVER1]"><![CDATA[1

<!--<Publish Event="DoAction" Value="ClearComboBox">1</Publish> -Tried
clearing the combo using CA, every time but does not help -->

<!--<Publish Event="DoAction" Value="GetDBList">1</Publish>-Calls the CA
GetDBList -->

<!--<Publish Event="DoAction" Value="setProperty">1</Publish>Tried setting
the property of Combo forcefully but does not help

<CustomAction Id="setProperty" Property="SQLSERVER_DATABASE1" Value="master"


<!--<Publish Property="SQLSERVER_DATABASE1" Value ="-">1</Publish> Tried
setting the default value but does not help-->

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