

We need some stuff done on out WIX scripts. If you are interested here
is what we need. We presently do have wix scripts for our installers -
this is adding to them. And we use mallow.exe (we paid a contractor to
have it created) to rebuild the help & sample file .wxs scripts.


1.      For the AutoTag installer.

        a.      Make the AutoTag script conditional - it is now two apps
with small differences in the installer only so I'd prefer a single wix
script be used for both.
        b.      Add an item to the startup menu.
        c.      Check for J# installed correctly based on 32/64-bit
mode. Don't try to write/edit a bootstrapper - that is a gigantic time
suck and is virtually impossible.
        d.      See if can get the Sql Server bootstrapper to install
Sql Server SP-2.
        e.      Check for Excel and/or PPT running (use the check for
word program).
        f.      At end of setup have a radio button to run word, excel,
PPT, or none
        g.      All the security stuff on the setup - Vista has a bunch
of things it prefers
        h.      Is there a way to use the RMB paste for the license key
is setup.
        i.      Registry keys can be read
        j.      Show us how to do a second language for the install UI.


2.      For the .NET & Java engine

a.      Engine installer has all/server only choice where the server
only part does not install the samples, help, etc.

b.      .NET only: Check for J# installed correctly based on 32/64-bit
mode. Don't try to write/edit a bootstrapper - that is a gigantic time
suck and is virtually impossible.

c.      Enter license key.

d.      At end of install default is to launch the help center - with
text saying it's in the menu.

e.      All the security stuff on the setup - Vista has a bunch of
things it prefers

f.       Is there a way to use the RMB paste for the license key is

g.      Registry keys can be read


If so, please contact me.


Thanks - dave 





David Thielen


+1 303-499-2544 x1185

+1 720-352-0676 (cell)


Must watch - Cubicle Wars


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