
I guess the way to do it is to have the directories with components
that do nothing but create the folder, and then use those components
in the features that I am installing.

Bryan Rasmussen

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 11:21 AM, bryan rasmussen
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 13:39:12 +0200
>> From: "bryan rasmussen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: [WiX-users] misunderstanding of the CreateFolder directory
>>        attribute?
>> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>> Message-ID:
>>        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>> Hi,
>>> I seem to have misunderstood the CreateFolder Directory attribute,
>>> when I do something like the following:
>>>  <CreateFolder 
>>> Directory="[INSTALLDIR]\RenditionServerQ\InjectorQ\OnDemandQ"/>
>>> Does anyone have an example that would create that Path inside of a 
>>> component?
>> This is how I use it...
>> <Directory ID="RenditionServerQ" Name="RenditionServerQ">
>>   <Directory ID="OnDemandQ" Name="OnDemandQ">
>>       ....
>>        <Component ...>
>>             <CreateFolder />
>> ....
> Ok, but that is problematic for me. I have three features that need to
> be installed.
> All of them under the different folders under the same install
> directory, one of these features includes a component that  needs to
> create an extensive system of folders. The features should be
> selectable so I am using Mondo UI. Of the three features each one
> requires the creation of a new directory under the main install
> directory.
> So if you choose to install
> feature 2 and feature 3 there should be a directory feature2 and
> directory feature3 under the InstallDir, but if you install feature 1
> there should be a directory feature1 under the Installdir as well as
> the following directory structure created under the InstallDir
> Directories to be created:
> RenditionServerQ/InjectorQ/OnDemandQ
> RenditionServerQ/InjectorQ/FileQ
> RenditionServerQ/InjectorQ/BatchQ
> RenditionServerQ/QueueManagerQ/OnDemandQ
> RenditionServerQ/QueueManagerQ/FileQ
> RenditionServerQ/QueueManagerQ/BatchQ
> RenditionServerQ/TemporaryQ/OnDemandQ
> RenditionServerQ/TemporaryQ/FileQ
> RenditionServerQ/TemporaryQ/BatchQ
> RenditionServerQ/ErrorQ
> So I suppose with the way of nesting Directory elements inside
> Directory elements above I get something like this:
> <Directory Id="RQ" Name="RQ" LongName="RenditionServerQ">
>              <Directory Id="IQ" Name="IQ" LongName="InjectorQ">
>              <Directory Id="IQOQ" Name="IQOQ" LongName="OnDemandQ">
>              <CreateFolder/>
>              </Directory>
>              <Directory Id="IQFQ" Name="IQFQ" LongName="FileQ">
>              <CreateFolder/>
>              </Directory>
>              <Directory Id="IQBQ" Name="IQBQ" LongName="BatchQ">
>              <CreateFolder/>
>              </Directory>
>              </Directory>
>              <Directory Id="QMQ" Name="QMQ" LongName="QueueManagerQ">
>              <Directory Id="QMQOQ" Name="QMQOQ" LongName="OnDemandQ">
>              <CreateFolder/>
>              </Directory>
>              <Directory Id="QMQFQ" Name="QMQFQ" LongName="FileQ">
>              <CreateFolder/>
>              </Directory>
>              <Directory Id="QMQBQ" Name="QMQBQ" LongName="BatchQ">
>              <CreateFolder/>
>              </Directory>
>              </Directory>
>               <Directory Id="TQ" Name="TQ" LongName="TemporaryQ">
>               <Directory Id="TQOQ" Name="TQOQ" LongName="OnDemandQ">
>              <CreateFolder/>
>              </Directory>
>              <Directory Id="TQFQ" Name="TQFQ" LongName="FileQ">
>              <CreateFolder/>
>              </Directory>
>              <Directory Id="TQBQ" Name="TQBQ" LongName="BatchQ">
>              <CreateFolder/>
>              </Directory>
>              </Directory>
>                <Directory Id="EQ" Name="EQ" LongName="ErrorQ">
>              <CreateFolder/>
>              </Directory>
>              </Directory>
> The problem is that I can't have that inside of a Component. So how do
> I make sure that this list of Directories is installed only if a
> particular feature is chosen from my list of features, using Mondo UI.
> Best Regards,
> Bryan Rasmussen

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