After some additional trial and error investigation what appears to be 
happening here is that component files that get modified by <util:XmlFile 
settings will not get updated by msp small update or minor upgrade processing.  
 The only way I could get the file to be updated with the new file settings, 
e.g. assembly reference version number changes, and reapply the <util:XmlFile 
settings was to include a msp processing case behavior that deletes the file up 
front during msp small update or minor upgrade processing.

<DirectoryRef Id="Service1Dir">
            <Component Id="Service1" 
Guid="B9CD4A81-9755-42F5-BB25-CC8879B38C2B" Win64="$(var.Win64)">
            <File Id="NsService.exe.config" Name="NsService.exe.config" 
            <util:XmlFile Id="Service1INgimServiceGatewayEndpointAddress" 
                    Name="address" Value="[SERVICEGATEWAYURL]" 
Action="setValue" />

<CustomAction Id="QtExecCmdLineSet16" Property="QtExecCmdLineRun16" 
Value="&quot;[$(var.SystemFolder)]cmd.exe&quot; /c del /f 
&quot;[Service1Dir]NsService.exe.config&quot;" />
<CustomAction Id="QtExecCmdLineRun16" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="CAQuietExec" 
Execute="deferred" />

        <Custom Action="QtExecCmdLineSet16" 
After="QtExecCmdLineRun15">!Services=3 And ?Service1=3 And (QFEUpgrade=2 Or 
        <Custom Action="QtExecCmdLineRun16" 
After="QtExecCmdLineSet16">!Services=3 And ?Service1=3 And (QFEUpgrade=2 Or 

Conversely when the msp is removed I ended up with the prior release copy of 
that file w/o the <util:XmlFile applied settings.   I haven't figured out yet 
how to have the remove process reapply the <util:XmlFile customizations to the 
reverted version of that file.   Any suggestions are welcome.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert O'Brien
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 12:38 PM
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: [WiX-users] msp patch and msi upgrade processing scenario where a 
specific <app>.config file setting which has changed is not getting updated

I have a msp patch and msi minor pgrade processing result where a specific 
<app>.config file setting which has underwent some miner content changes in the 
v1.1 release is not getting updated.

If I diff my v1.0 target adminInstall and my v1.1 update adminInstall used to 
by the old msimsp patch method for msp generation I can see the expected 
differences between the two releases of the particular file in question.

When I run a v1.1 clean install I get the expected file contents.

The file in question gets updated during v1.0 deployment by associated 
component  <util:XmlFile settings that update wcf endpoint address settings to 
be deployment environment specific.   Is it those updates to that are 
preventing the v1.0 to v1.1 msp patch minor upgrade and msi minor upgrade 
processes from updating that file to contain the just the v1.1 added content?   
 If so is there syntax to instruct v1.0 to v1.1 msp patch and msi minor upgrade 
processing to replace that file regardless and rerun the <util:XmlFile settings 
component step?
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