I have 120 MB large Wixmst created by Torch and when I pass it to Pyro
it comes back with the message PYRO1079 saying that patch cabinet
contains no files. 


My DLLs in RTM and Update respectively differ in the last, 4-th version
number, plus the binaries themselves are different. Using SDK tools for
patch creation these DLLs would be updated when applying the patch. I
tested that long before I started using WiX and I am 100% sure that SDK
doesn't ignore fourth version number for file substitution rules.


So I am wondering if Pyro is ignoring binary differences if first 3
version numbers are the same?


Patch.wxs content is the following:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>

  <Patch AllowRemoval="yes" Classification="Update" Codepage="1252" ...
various other attributes>


    <Media Id="1000" Cabinet="RTM.cab" EmbedCab="yes">

      <PatchBaseline Id="RTM"/>



    <PatchFamily Id="MyPatchFamily" Version="1.0.0" Supersede="yes">


      <ComponentRef Id="some component" />

      ... a bunch of components follows









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