Giving command:

"%WIX%bin\torch.exe" -xi rtm\Product.wixpdb upd1\Product.wixpdb -out

I get the following error:

error TRCH0048 : The document element name 'wixOutput' is invalid. A WiX
pdb file must use 'wixPdb' as the document element name.

Clearly torch doesn't like something in the way my binary wixpdbs were
created. I'm sure they are binary, first because of their size, second
because they cannot be opened as MSIs with Orca, nor as XML if they were

Here are linker options used to create wixpdbs from wixproj:

  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' ==
'Release|x86' ">
    <LinkerAdditionalOptions>-out $(OutputPath)Project.wixpdb -bf

I simply added -out filename -bf and -xo options to Votive field for
additional linker options as Votive was set up to produce msi by

WiX version is 3.0.4220.0

What did I do wrong and how can I recover from this error? 

I mean, it shouldn't be possible to lose work in this way since I did
get wixpdb output and wixpdb file is the right size - for ex. it must
have bound all my binaries.



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