Ryan O'Neill wrote:
> The thing that seems obvious is that it is probably using .Net 3.0 or 3.5 as
> the upgrade wizard will select these for you. Check the target framework
> version as you might not have it on the system you are installing to.
Also make sure you're compiling with the static runtime libraries, 
otherwise, your installer will require the Visual C++ 2008 
Redistributable on the target systems. It's the same with Visual C++ 
2005, but most systems already have obtained that runtime one way or 
another, so there's a good chance of not noticing the mistake.

Project Settings -> C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library
    Select "Multithreaded" for the release build
    Select "Multithreaded Debug" for the debug build

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sujanakar1
> Sent: 11 July 2008 05:47
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [WiX-users] WiX C++ Custom Action not Invoked after upgrading to VS
> 2008
> Hi, 
> I am developing an installer using Wix. 
> I am not good at C++, So I have written some custom actions in C# and
> invoking these Custom Actions from Wix using a wrapper written in C++ (it
> contains nothing other than invoking C# CustomActions) 
> If i build my Custom Wrapper in VS 2005, it is getting invoked from Wix and
> is working as expected. But I upgraded all my solutions to VS 2008, after
> upgrading to VS 2008 the call to Custom Wrapper is not happening and I am
> not able to perform any of my custom actions. 
> Pls help me, what could be the problem with upgraded C++ dll. 
> Thanks, 
> Sujanakar

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