With regards to patches, I've encountered some folks / standards that don't 
like patch wrappers.  So if you don't want a patch wrapper AND you don't want 
to force users to install your patch via the command line, here's a trick you 
might find useful...

1) Author a property setting custom action:

        <CustomAction Id='Patch_SetReinstall'           Property='REINSTALL'    
        <CustomAction Id='Patch_SetReinstallMode'       
Property='REINSTALLMODE'        Value='omus'/>

2) Then schedule them in the execute sequence:
        <Custom Action='Patch_SetReinstall'             
After="LaunchConditions">PATCH and Installed</Custom>
        <Custom Action='Patch_SetReinstallMode'                 
After="Patch_SetReinstall">PATCH and Installed</Custom>

~ Sure, some folks gripe about using the PATCH property because during a 
slipstreamed installation the PATCH property will be set; hence the additional 
condition on Installed.  Either case, I don't think this presents any problems.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bob Arnson
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 10:54 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Patch install: MoveFiles and component action states

Ilya Slobodin wrote:
> Any ideas how to avoid REINSTALL & REINSTALLMODE and install the patch?

Minor upgrades, whether in .msi or .msp forms, require those properties.
Generally patches are delivered as wrapper .exes to execute the patches
with the right command-line arguments.


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