I have a radiobuttongroup (see below) and I would like to set the Property
INSTALLTYPE=0 when the RadioButtonGroup is disabled (Condition: NOT
(DEVICETYPE = "0" OR DEVICETYPE = "7")). How can I do this?

Thank's for the help!

<Control Id="radioButtonGroupBox1" Type="RadioButtonGroup" Height="71"
Width="132" X="125" Y="147" Property="INSTALLTYPE">
  <RadioButtonGroup Property="INSTALLTYPE">
    <RadioButton X="2" Y="2" Height="18" Width="78" Text="new
installation" Value="0"/>
    <RadioButton X="2" Y="18" Height="18" Width="120" Text="restore
archive settings" Value="1"/>
    <RadioButton X="2" Y="34" Height="18" Width="140" Text="update from
previous version" Value="2"/>
    <RadioButton X="2" Y="50" Height="18" Width="120" Text="restore with
dump" Value="3"/>
  <Condition Action="disable"><![CDATA[NOT (DEVICETYPE = "0" OR DEVICETYPE
= "7")]]></Condition>
  <Condition Action="enable"><![CDATA[(DEVICETYPE = "0" OR DEVICETYPE =
"7")]]></Condition> </Control>
Use the same conditions in a SetProperty element.
Could you send the correct XML to it? I don't know how to do this.
Thank you,

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