
a big thanks for your help Neil. I've got an idea now how to manage the 
language files.

Andreas Hellwig

Neil Enns schrieb:
> Andreas,
> You'll need to manually build each localized version of your MSI. Votive 
> doesn't currently support building multiple installers per language, nor 
> selecting between them at build time. Here's the information from the "How 
> To: Build a localized installer" topic in our new help file:
> How To: Build a Localized Version of Your Installer
> Once you have described all the strings in your installer using language 
> files, as described in How To: Make your installer localizable, you can then 
> build versions of your installer for each supported language. This how to 
> explains building the localized installers both from the command line and 
> using Votive.
> Option 1: Building localized installers from the command line
> The first step in building a localized installer is to compile your WiX 
> sources using candle.exe:
> candle.exe myinstaller.wxs -out myinstaller.wixobj
> After the intermediate output file is generated you can then use light.exe to 
> generate multiple localized MSIs:
> light.exe myinstaller.wixobj -cultures:en-us -loc en-us.wxl -out 
> myinstaller-en-us.msi
> light.exe myinstaller.wixobj -cultures:fr-fr -loc fr-fr.wxl -out 
> myinstaller-fr-fr.msi
> The -loc flag is used to specify the language file to use. It is important to 
> include the -cultures flag on the command line to ensure the correct 
> localized strings are included for extensions such as WiXUIExtension.
> Option 2: Building localized installers using Votive
> If a single language file is included in your Votive project it will 
> automatically be used for strings when your MSI is built.
> If you need to localize to multiple languages you will need to manually run 
> light.exe on the intermediate output from your votive project with the 
> appropriate command line, as described in Option 1 above. The intermediate 
> output file is typically located in the obj\ folder under your project, so 
> the command line will look like this when run from a command window in your 
> project's obj\ folder:
> light.exe myinstaller.wixobj -cultures:en-us -loc ..\en-us.wxl -out 
> ..\bin\debug\myinstaller-en-us.msi
> light.exe myinstaller.wixobj -cultures:fr-fr -loc ..\fr-fr.wxl -out 
> ..\bin\debug\myinstaller-fr-fr.msi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andreas Hellwig
> Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 5:14 AM
> To: WiX-Users
> Subject: [WiX-users] Choosing the right language
> Hi,
> i've got another problem. I'm using Visual Studio 2005 to develop my WiX
> installer. The installer works fine, but one problem i have left is the
> fact that I can't get Visual Studio/WiX to choose the right localization
> files according to the language that is set. I have included all my
> localization files into the project, some for german string some others
> for the english versions. But I allways get a german version even if I
> set the language attributes to english (1033). Does anyone have an idea
> how to fix that?
> Andreas Hellwig
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