That was my understanding as well (i.e. localservice is the best, but 
often useless because it's not powerful enough, networkservice is better 
but still secure, localsystem is like leaving the front door of fort knox 

It's true that an account that is completely customized to the rights 
needed by your service is best, but it's easy to fall into the 'biztalk' 
trap and end up with 20 accounts with different configurations that you 
now have to manage passwords and such for (a royal pain), not to mention 
the debugging time you spend each time the password expires and the 
machines haven't rebooted yet (tons of stuff starts working 'halfway' like 
new file system requests don't work, but things for which the current 
impersonation token are legal continue to work until the service is 

I can't tell you how many times I was chasing down a 'bug' that turned out 
to be a simple matter of the password expiring on a service account.  Very 
weird things happen - they're almost impossible to identify as 
authentication issues unless you really know what to look for.


Rob Mensching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

05/22/2008 10:05 PM

Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, WiX Users 

Re: [WiX-users] service fail to install due to  networkService  account

Hmm, I've heard network service is a very reasonable thing to install as. 
It has few permissions on the local machine but it can act as the machine 
on the network.  Our datacenter ops guys love network service because it 
doesn't require the password to be updated routinely the way an account 

LocalSystem on the other hand is the basically the same thing as 
Administrator and opens a really scary attack surface.

LocalService can't do much of anything interesting but is the safest 
(because it can't do much of anything).  <smile/>

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 21:36
To: WiX Users
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] service fail to install due to networkService 

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
    zhisheng huang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  writes:

> Solved. The network service account needs to be specified with its 

Its generally bad practice to install services running as either local
system or network service.

The best practice is to create an account with only the permissions
that your service needs and install the service to run as this

Most of the time, local system and network service have many more
privileges and permissions than your service needs.  Using your own
account allows you to control the permissions and privileges used by
your service explicitly instead of getting whatever implicit
privileges and permissions are associated with an existing account.
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