Am I understanding you right that you're installing the same file by two 
different components with different GUIDs? If they are to the same 
directory, you'll have ref-counting problems and will loose the 
component when uninstalling one of the products.

Also, if the file is exactly the same and you only authored a single 
media, it shares the same blob in the embedded cabinet within the MSP. 
But you said the source directories are different, so this is probably a 
different file. That means the file will be wrong for one of the products.

Adrian Gantoi wrote:
> Hi all,
> Still no answers for my problem below.
> Doesn't anybody have a clue of what's wrong (why is the wrong 
> transform applied by the patch) ?
> Thanks,
> Adrian
> */Adrian Gantoi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     Sorry for being so "long" in describing my problem :), but...
>     I encountered a problem with applying a patch in the following
>     scenario.
>     I have a setup project with 2 configurations which I build.
>     Configuration 1
>     - the product has the Product Id GUID1
>     - the product has a component with Id COMP and guid GUIDCOMP1
>     this component installs a txt file with Id FILE from source dir DIR1
>     Configuration 2
>     - the product has the Product Id GUID2
>     - the product has a component with Id COMP and guid GUIDCOMP2
>     this component installs a txt file with Id FILE from source dir DIR2
>     This means:
>     - I have two products (distinct product id)
>     - I install from each product a component with the same Id but
>     different GUID
>     - each component installs a file called FILE.TXT in the same
>     folder (the contents of the txt file is different between products)
>     - the two products cannot be installed at the same time
>     I tryied to create a patch for both products after changing the
>     txt files (source dir changed from DIR1/DIR2 to DIRUPD1/DIRUPD2)
>     I used WiX tools only for the patch building process like below:
>     REM
>     -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     REM Patch Build - Differences
>     REM
>     -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     "%WixDir%\torch.exe" -p -xi Config1\Setup.wixpdb
>     UPDConfig1\Setup.wixpdb -out diff1.wixmst
>     "%WixDir%\torch.exe" -p -xi Config2\Setup.wixpdb
>     UPDConfig2\Setup.wixpdb -out diff2.wixmst
>     REM
>     -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     REM Patch build - Compile patch
>     REM
>     -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     "%WixDir%\candle.exe" Patch.wxs
>     REM
>     -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     REM Patch build - Link patch
>     REM
>     -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     "%WixDir%\light.exe" Patch.wixobj -out Patch.wixmsp
>     REM
>     -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     REM Patch build - Create patch
>     REM
>     -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     "%WixDir%\pyro.exe" Patch.wixmsp -out Patch.msp -t RTM
>     diff1.wixmst -t RTM diff2.wixmst
>     The Patch.wxs file contains a ComponentRef to the Id of the tricky
>     component(s) and the general contents is below:
>     <Patch AllowRemoval="yes"...
>            Classification="Hotfix">
>         <Media Id="10000" Cabinet="">
>            <PatchBaseline Id="RTM"/>
>         </Media>
>         <PatchFamilyRef Id="PatchFamily"/>
>     </Patch>
>     <Fragment>
>         <PatchFamily Id='PatchFamily' Version='' Supersede='yes'>
>            <ComponentRef Id="COMP"/>
>          </PatchFamily>
>     </Fragment>
>     The result .msp file, when applied, will update my FILE.TXT
>     installed from the
>     RTM Config1 product to the FILE.TXT included in my
>     updated Config2 product.
>     Installing the patch with logging options shows me something which
>     I cannot understand:
>     ...: Looking for patch transform: RTM.1
>     ...: Validating transform 'RTM.1' with validation bits 0x922
>     ...: Note: 1: 2746 2: RTM.1 3: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\49fc6a.msi 4:
>     GUID2 5: GUID1
>     ...: 1: 2746 2: RTM.1 3: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\49fc6a.msi 4: GUID2
>     5: GUID1
>     ...: Note: 1: 2729
>     DEBUG: Error 2746:  Transform RTM.1 invalid for package
>     C:\WINDOWS\Installer\49fc6a.msi. Expected product GUID2, found
>     product GUID1.
>     ...: Skipping validation for patch transform #RTM.1.  Will not
>     apply because previous transform was invalid
>     ...: Looking for patch transform: RTM.2
>     ...: Validating transform 'RTM.2' with validation bits 0x922
>     ...: Transform 'RTM.2' is valid.
>     I installed the product with GUID1, yet somehow the patch is
>     looking only for the product with GUID2 and applying the transform
>     for GUID2 product.
>     Can somebody let me know where I made the mistake (the identical
>     component id ??)
>     and if I have any chance of patching FILE.TXT with the correct one
>     from a single MSP and
>     without changing the identical component id ?
>     Thanks,
>     Adrian
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Heath Stewart
Deployment Technology Group, Microsoft

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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
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