This is in regards to the problems using ServiceControl to start a
service that is dependent on side-by-side assemblies.


It seems I have been recently hit by this problem in a way I didn't
really expect.   I have a C++ (non-.NET) service built with VS 2005.  It
seems the 2005 VC Runtime installed from Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86.msm only
on Vista has this problem.  If I try to start the service with
ServiceControl, it will fail to start.  After seeing the messages in
this forum about side-by-side dependencies with ServiceControl, I tried
removing the ServiceControl entry and after successfully installing my
product, the service starts up normally.


This seems like it would be a fairly common scenario for people, so my
question is, what is the recommended method for doing this?


Should we drop the merge module and use a setup bootstrapper to run the
VC Runtime redist installer separately instead of a merge module?   





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