Thanks for the quick responses.

Regarding response to q1  - after sending mail I saw the following comment on   Is that comment suggesting that fragments are 
still valid and the recommended way for breaking apart a wxs development 
project but now the element name used to reference those fragments has changed 
and the scope of what they contain is defined by how they are referenced?

Saying Goodbye to FragmentRef's
March 15, 2007
After many months of being deprecated, its time to say goodbye (builds >= 
3.0.2716.0). All FragmentRef's will need to be converted to one of the 
supported reference elements in WiX 3.0. Examples of these are ComponentRef, 
FeatureRef, PropertyRef, or CustomActionRef among others.

Regarding response to q2 -  Using the <?if?> flag and $(var.variables) 
preprocessor references will impact the results of my msi output at compile 
time based on the host I used to compile versus what happens at msi runtime 
during installation right?   Is creating x64 and x86 specific msi build output 
the current recommended approach versus a single msi that at runtime can handle 
x64 and x86 installation differences?

From: Bob Arnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2008 3:10 PM
To: Robert O'Brien
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] are fragments still the right way to componentize 
development and is there a recommended wix3 solution for targeting 
installationlocation at c:\Program Files (x86)\... on x64 systems and 
c:\Program Files\... on x86 systems

Robert O'Brien wrote:
q1 - Are fragments still the recommended way for breaking apart a wxs 
development project into feature associated source files?


q2 - Is there a recommended wix3 solution for targeting installationlocation at 
c:\Program Files (x86)\... on x64 systems and c:\Program Files\... on x86 

Use the preprocessor, either $(var.variables) or <?if?> based on a flag you 
pass in to the compiler.


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