I finally got it working. My mistake was that I was trying to include the
definition of the custom action into the patch definition. One must in fact
define his custom actions in the base packages and then torch/pyro will detect
the differences and include the custom action into the patch if necessary. Here
is the code snipset that I am now using: {{{<?xml version='1.0'
encoding='UTF-8'?><Wix xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'>
<Patch AllowRemoval='no' Manufacturer='corp'
MoreInfoURL='http://www.dummy.com/' DisplayName='prod'
Description='prod descr' Classification='Update'> <Media
Id='5000' Cabinet='RTM.cab'> <PatchBaseline Id='RTM'/>
</Media> <PatchFamilyRef Id='UpdatePatchFamily' /> </Patch>
<Fragment> <PatchFamily Id='UpdatePatchFamily'
Version=''> <ComponentRef Id='SampleComponent'/>
<CustomActionRef Id='DoIt' /> <PropertyRef Id='MyProp' />
</PatchFamily> </Fragment></Wix>}}}Best regards,J.
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