< This time with a subject line! >

This mailing list has been a huge help to me in getting my first WiX setup 
project put together!  Yet it still took me a full day to track down the 
various bits of information I needed to figure out how to do the following:

1.  Add a user interface to a WiX 3 project
2.  Add a checkbox to optionally install a desktop shortcut
3.  Add a checkbox to optionally launch the application after setup has 

Some references hinted that I would have to rebuild WiX to alter the 
installation user interface, and other information hinted at existing optional 
checkboxes on some of the dialogs.

Figuring out which dialogs to alter, and where to find them also was a struggle.

So with the hope of helping others along, I created the following page that 
details how to accomplish the above tasks.  If it helps you, that's great.  If 
you notice any errors, let me know and I'll correct them. 


Thanks to everyone who contributes to this list, and to the WiX 3 developers 

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