Let me check with Paul, this might simply explains why the variables were not
Thank you.
From: Kelly Leahy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 4:31 PM
To: Eric Baudouin
Cc: Paul Houldridge; wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Font definition and WXL
Don't you want $(loc.BannerTextStyle_Size) not !(loc.BannerTextStyle_Size)?
Eric Baudouin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/01/2007 04:17 PM
"wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net" <wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Paul Houldridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[WiX-users] Font definition and WXL
We have moved our resource to a wxl file to facilitate the localization of our
In the localization world it is a good practice to make sure that the font size
and the font facename can be localized.
I was hoping that I could move the font style attribute in the WXL as well so
that the localization team could change it accordingly, since the font size and
the font facename are different for the Japanese, or any far-east languages.
Unfortunately as you can see down below replacing the font attribute with the
WXL loc ID causes the compiler to break, because the preprocessor might run
some validation because linked the loc data in the code.
Would you have a different approach we could use so that at least we have a
Thank you very much.
<wixloc:String Id="BannerTextStyle_FaceName">MS Sans Serif</wixloc:String>
<wixloc:String Id="BannerTextStyle_Size">12</wixloc:String>
<wixloc:String Id="BannerTextStyle_Bold">yes</wixloc:String>
Then within my <UI> tag I have:
<TextStyle Id="BannerTextStyle"
FaceName="!(loc.BannerTextStyle_FaceName)" Size="!(loc.BannerTextStyle_Size)"
Red="0" Green="0" Blue="0" Bold="!(loc.BannerTextStyle_Bold)"/>
The error I get indicates that the !(loc.name) syntax does not work within the
attributes for TextStyle. The loc variables are not getting processed into the
defined values. This is the error I get:
errors in directory c:\harmonica\sql\sync\src\setup\core
c:\harmonica\sql\sync\src\setup\core\setupui.wix(26) : error CNDL0008 : The
TextStyle/@Size attribute's value, '!(loc.BannerTextStyle_Size)', is not a
legal integer value. Legal integer values are from -2,147,483,648 to
c:\harmonica\sql\sync\src\setup\core\setupui.wix(26) : error CNDL0015 : The
TextStyle/@Bold attribute's value, '!(loc.BannerTextStyle_Bold)', is not a
legal yes/no value. The only legal value is 'no' or 'yes'.
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