Rob Mensching wrote:
> schema is all documented.  The command-lines and the tools to use are
> documented.”  I’m happy for people to say, “Hey, such-and-such isn’t
> documented… can I expect it to remain constant supported and all that
> good stuff?”  I’ll then go into the tools and see if it is a purposeful
> feature or a side-effect that might change in the future.  The former is
> something I should document.  The latter is something you should not use.

I'll bite on that and point you to light.exe command line options.

light.exe 3.0.2925.0

  -xo      output xml instead of MSI format

So either xml is not xml or -xo file format changed but documentation
has not.

Maybe it should say "output internal WiX format instead of MSI format".

Plain XML is still nicer regardless if it will result in something 1.35
times bigger (if binary part is base64 encoded). But then I don't really
have anything invested in -xo output format so it doesn't really matter
to me.

- Adam

PS. Another way would be to have a -xo for plain XML and -xb for the new
binary format.

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